
Producing movies now requires a high budget amid rising demands from participants (studios, distributors and movie goers). Hollywood produced three different film categories in early 2000: blockbuster, specialty film, and niche-market movies (produced by indies-owned conglomerates), as well as special genres and films from true indie studios and producers.

Genre and special films have a production cost of $ 5 and $ 10 million and make more than half the features released in the United States. The cost of production is very extreme and affects the members of the financially flawed film industry. Sometimes high film production costs put the careers of some members of the film industry in jeopardy and thus cause many of them to abandon it. Members who are not financially disadvantaged sometimes sacrifice payments for their services in an attempt to make a career. In some cases, the filmmaker makes a movie for $ 10,000 and in that situation every penny will be spent on production and nothing else. No one paid.

However, MoviToken, created by Christopher Compton, a 13-year veteran of the film, is a project run by Southern Meridian, LLC, and has been set up to fix the problems facing film production. MoviToken is a cryptocurrency ERC20 + VERIFIED for a global independent film community.

With MoviToken, low or no service issues, and pending agreements that interfere with the movie community will be delayed. This will be achieved through MoviToken (MOVI) which can be used by manufacturers to pay for talent and crew where paper money is limited or unavailable. Players and crew can exchange
MoviTokens who pay them for Ethereum and then to USD, BTC, altcoin, tokens or fiat currency through exchanges and Applications integrated with Ethereum blockchain. In essence, MoviTokens will be used to fund the film on the Ethereum blockchain.


There is a total supply of 1 billion MoviTokens. It is possible to buy and sell MoviToken through The MoviToken is tradable on blockchain as a complementary currency for use within the independent film community (productions of film, TV, web series, documentary, etc.). At the moment, MOVI is already trading on exchanges like,!/trade/MOVI-ETH,,!/trade/MOVI-ETH 

Note that selling, buying or trading MoviToken does not make anyone a stakeholder or owner in the MoviToken project, Southern Meridian, LLC nor Movitoken produced films. Investors and producers should note that filmmakers can raise funds from investors in MoviToken to fund their film projects.

This can be done independently of Southern Meridian, LLC and the MoviToken team. In this light, any MoviTokens exchanged will become a security. However, it should be noted that any funds raised (investments) to fund movie projects will be subject to an investor agreement. Producers should consider securities and exchange rules and regulations of their jurisdiction prior to seeking investors. Notwithstanding, the MoviToken can be used together with or in place of any fiat currency whatsoever worldwide, provided it is legal.

NB: MoviTokens is currently not a substitute method of payment for union members according to the following Unions: IATSE, SAG, DGA, WGA, PGA, etc. Also, MoviToken smart contract is


The independent film community gains power from trading MoviTokens as it allows producers to completely use a community currency on movie projects. It also limits the use of cash. Some use cases are:
• Crowdfund with MoviToken only, then trade on exchange
• Cast and crew can be paid with MoviToken
• Utilize MoviToken with investors, keeping accountability on the blockchain
• Producers can make request from distributors for payment, in MoviTokens.
• MoviToken can be accepted for services

The use of MoviTokens will drive movie inventiveness and ingenuity and will stop cash from going out of the movie community. It will ensure that cash is circulated within all film communities all over the world. In addition, MoviTokens will foster trust and support within the indie film community. The MoviToken allows everyone to participate and contribute to the indie film community.


  • 250 million MOVI – Southern Meridian, LLC
  • 250 million MOVI – TBA Production Studio
  • 500 million MOVI – Market


Q2 2018
• MoviToken will partner with Bancor for continuous liquidity. This alone can promote trust and use within the indie film community.
• The first production studio to adopt the use of MoviToken will be announced.

Q3 2018
• The first feature film to be produced with MoviToken will be announced.
• MoviToken will partner with a crowdfunding platform to assist filmmakers with raising funds for their projects.
• Production to begin on the first MoviToken funded feature film. (late Q3)

Q4 2018
• By Q4 2018, MoviToken should be listed on more than 1 major exchange and incorporated by several dApps. MoviToken is currently working on becoming listed by Komodo’s BarterDEX and ETHlend’s Lending Platform.

• Release of the first MoviToken funded feature film.
• Southern Meridian, LLC will publically release the first of several case studies on the use of MoviToken to produce a motion picture. Data and findings will be provided by an independent research firm. (The exact date is highly dependent upon distribution schedule).

Film production will be made easy globally with the MoviToken as issues of securing finances for movie production will be put to rest. Also, those interested will be able to effortlessly develop a career in the movie industry, putting previous challenges to rest. Should cash be a challenge, the MoviToken can stand in thereby ensuring that talented people take their opportunity, consequently giving movie viewers and distributors high quality options. Essentially, with MoviToken, independent filmmakers, aspiring actors and cinematographers can get the opportunity to produce quality contents they have dreamed of making.

For more information click the link below :


Author By: Nanknink boy
Bitcointalk Profile:;u=1711766
ETH wallet: 0x0a6df15F096df7EAeC35C1952EeDfD9213Ebb45C


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